neocities showcase
(stuff that caught my eye right in our little corner of the web.) hi neighbors!
- ariadne urania
- shrine for aprhodite
- tetrisk-lair at neocities
- three.js sketches
- love
- spyware checklist
- froslass
- irony machine
- you on the tube
external links
cool web experiences and art
- i showed my friend my art pages and he compared them atmospherically to this website, superbad. i had never heard of it before so i went to look and holy shit this is the coolest website and web art, this is amazing, it is such an honor to be compared to them, this is so fleshed out and fantastic and i admire it so much. totally my jam!!!
- dream wiki
- this is similar to superbad, i love it so far, it's much more text based, it's so fun to dive in and explore
- read it and weep
- software automatic mouth, SAM; text-to-speech in browser
- make frontend shit again!!!
- saturn return
very meaningful pages
- indigenous new hampshire collaborative collective
- accepting the unacceptable
- The Eradication of “Talmudic Abstractions”: Anti-Semitism, Transmisogyny and the National Socialist Project
useful resources
- the tumblr section has a lot of code/image resources for customized cursors, effects, etc. that i've used in my art here
- handwritten page link collection at
- how to get RSS urls from YouTube
- 2023 is gonna be my year of the RSS reader babey
- defensive computing checklist
- gemini proxy in browser from yesterweb
lynn conway
- lynn conway's biography sketch (pdf)
- seeking expression of regrets from IBM for being fired for being trans
- lynn conway's homepage
- honestly i recommend going here and just diving into her page. for everyone but especially if you are trans, i beseech you. this will move you so unbelievably deeply. it did for me, at least.
full fledged personal pages
- been up since at least the 90's, with some articles the owner wrote in the 80's, updated to this year, very robust selection of technical articles and opinions about all sorts of things, lovely to dive into and the writing style captures my attention well
videos and talks and articles
- end-to-end, p2p, my to me; a talk by Olia Lialina
- excellent talk on the history of the indie web, the history of personal pages, the meaning in the present day and how the online corporate landscape fighting to keep us in walled gardens is not a construct of the 2010's but rather a more effective execution of what opinion leaders and businesses and corporations have been attempting to stifle about the web since the beginning of its adoption by the public
- seriously I recommend you watch this!! if you've ever been interested in anyone's indie web manifesto you will love this talk!!
- i'm a fucking webmaster!!!!!!!!
- 404 page not found
- tarot card definition library
- i really really like these definitions, it's a great site, doesn't use google adsense, big big recommendation!!! it's not AI generated SEO swill!!!!
- the digital altar: a gender fucked grimoire for the community witch
- fuck yes. this one rules.
- tarot resources collected by the living altar
link to ocimum

here's my 88x31 button if you'd like to link back to ocimum with it :)