It is 8oth empowering and excruci8ing to have the level and capa8ility of knowledge I have as a light pl8yer. It is downright exhausting. I'm glad the other 8oons of light pl8yers are in affect as well. I am a Thief of Light working with 8az, a M8ge of Heart, and having this 8ody's life so consistently steered 8y heart-pl8yer decisions is 8ooooooooring.
this is so much different than i thought it would 8e 8ut i've gotten used to it 8y now. so like. i can 8e in this 8ody and it's fine and i don't want anything to keep me from 8eing in front in this 8ody. so. pretty much i can t8ke it its not like im not used to having to 8e cr8zy strong anyw8ys.
i like my video so im gonna keep m8king videos. demonstr8ing knowledge a8out system stuff and communicating that to singlets also feels like, v8guely good 8ecause light pl8yer stuff, even though i normally wouldn't c8re. i think 8eing in the same 8rain as a m8ge of heart is messing with me ::::/ like normally aranea would 8e the one lecturing, not me. 8ut whatever. it needed to 8e said since people still aren't familiar with it.